Selected Links to interviews, and press about projects

How Portugal eased its opioid epidemic, while U.S. drug deaths skyrocketed
National Public Radio (NPR)
... as the death toll from the U.S. overdose crisis mounts, Moniz voiced skepticism that American policymakers will have the political will or patience to pivot to a focus on health care and social services.
"There's a different political environment in the U.S," Moniz said. "The way health care is funded is completely different. The role of police in American society is different. So to talk about the Portuguese experience [being adopted in the U.S.] is complicated."
Portugal's approach to the opioid epidemic is a flashpoint in U.S. fentanyl debate
National Public Radio (NPR)
All Things Considered
Portugal's focus on care and treatment over law enforcement and incarceration is widely viewed as a model for helping people recover from opioid addiction. But it's become a flashpoint in the U.S.
"Miguel Moniz: There's an impression in the U.S. that if you decriminalize, then it's a Wild West where everyone uses drugs. That hasn't been the case in Portugal."

National Public Radio (NPR)
Morning Edition
NPR national addiction correspondent Brian Mann examines Portugal's handling of a deadly drug and addiction crisis, which focuses on healthcare and community support to save lives. "Miguel Moniz, University of Lisbon... Someone who has problematic drug use isn't someone who's a criminal or has a moral failing. They're someone who has a physical or mental health problem, and that is a tremendous societal shift."
How did Portugal decriminalise ALL drugs?
France 24 ENTR
Miguel Moniz: Because people were always going to be doing drugs no matter what prohibitions or restrictions, Portugal said, what can we do to protect the health and safety or our society... They decided that it would be a more rational approach to shift responsibility for managing drugs policy from the criminal justice system to the health system.

Portugal fik succes med afkriminalisering af stoffer. (Portugal was successful in decriminalizing drugs)
Vidensk (Copenhagen)
Miguel Moniz will not comment on whether Denmark should introduce a decriminalization of drugs or not. But says if Copenhagen Municipality wants to introduce it, one should avoid thinking that decriminalization alone is the key to solving the problem. "One must treat decriminalization as a small part of a wider systematic change towards turning addiction into a health problem and not a criminal matter," says Miguel Moniz.

How Should Portuguese Americans be Classified?
The Atlantic
Although some Portuguese Americans saw themselves as white, many voted for minority recognition in order to reflect the “difficulty of social integration, social marginalization, and discrimination” that Americans of Portuguese descent faced, according to Miguel Moniz, an anthropologist at the University Institute of Lisbon who studies Portuguese racialization.
Portugalczycy stawiają na zmianę (The Portuguese opt to shift)
Tygodnik Poszechny (Krakow)
Dr. Miguel Moniz, at the Institute of Social Sciences in Lisbon... sees Chega is an opportunist party. - It was not conceived as a ruling party. Its goal is to pursue outrage and demagoguery, it is its strategy calculated primarily to win elections, not what comes after, the anthropologist says... “What concerns me, however, is that young people in Portugal are increasingly open to right-wing politics. Time will tell whether this is also a reaction to the political crisis or a deeper change..

Oregon leaders tasked to act on Measure 110, fentanyl went to Portugal in search of answers. Hereʼs what they found
The Oregonian (Portland, OR)
....Miguel Moniz, an anthropologist at the Institute for Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon, has studied Portugal’s decriminalization policy and policing and said the strategy, which targets trafficking instead of minor drug possession, has been in place so long that it’s now part of “the culture of policing.”....
What can Massachusetts and Rhode Island learn from Portugal decriminalizing drugs? Forum offers detailed look
Herald News (Fall River)
Dr. Miguel Moniz, an anthropologist at CRIA ISCTE/Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and the Exec. Director of Migrant Communities Project, which worked with COBRE to organize the forum, was the moderator of the law enforcement panel. He said he has been aware of the harm done to local immigrant communities by drug policy since working on the deportation issue in the 1990s.

Dyktaturę, która trwała tu 40 lat, Portugalczycy obalili w jeden dzień. Jak to się udało? The Portuguese overthrew a 40-year dictatorship in one day. How did they do it?
Tygodnik Poszechny (Krakow)
...Many Portuguese living abroad were afraid that if the communists took power, another dictatorship would keep them from visiting their families and losing their homes... said Miguel Moniz, an anthropologist at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon...
UMD conference explores how Portugal’s revolution changed the diaspora and the world
Standard Times (New Bedford) &
Herald News (Fall River)
Dr. Miguel Moniz, an anthropologist at the Social Sciences Institute (ICS) at the University of Lisbon said..."The Estado Novo established diplomacy efforts designed to influence U.S. governmental policy toward the regime, and its colonial militaristic ambitions are an overlooked, underexamined variable of the development of Portuguese communities.”

Migrant Communities Project Wins Grant to Highlight Portuguese and Cape Verdean History
Standard Times (New Bedford) &
Herald News (Fall River)
Executive Director Dr. Moniz said MCP will work with members of the Portuguese and Cape Verdean communities, who will conduct archival research, record oral history interviews, and collect artifacts and documents to create a historical and ethnographic traveling exhibit.
Cape Cod nonprofit preserving Portuguese, Cape Verdean histories
NPR Cape and Islands
Moniz said it’s important for Portuguese and Cape Verdeans to be the ones who tell these stories.
“When you have people from communities participating in the telling of their own narratives… I think that is definitely a richer picture, and certainly a viewpoint one would not get when someone is examining things from the outside.

Falmouth-Based Migrant Communities Project Wins $20,000 For Immigrant History Project
The Enterprise (Falmouth / Cape Cod, MA)
MCP’s proposal, the “Community Scholar Immigrant History Initiative,” is a citizen scientist project that will train and assist members of Cape Verdean, Portuguese, Brazilian and Jamaican communities to tell their histories—narratives that are central to the cultural life and economic growth of Falmouth and the Upper Cape.
Vida Luso Americana Convidado Dr. Miguel Moniz (com Helena da Silva Hughes)
The Portuguese Channel
Syndicated, New Bedford, MA
Entrevista gravada: Helena DaSilva Hughes fala com o antropólogo Miguel Moniz sobre a política de drogas em Portugal, uma recente conferência legislativa em Massachusetts e RI, e os esforços para diminuir as mortes por overdose e promover uma política de drogas mais humana nos EUA
Original air date July 7 2023.
Virtual Forum to Tackle Local Opioid Crisis, Weigh in on Portugal’s Drug Approach
Herald News / O Jornal (Fall River, MA)
After a year of increased opioid overdose deaths in Massachusetts, first responders, healthcare workers, policy makers, law enforcement, researchers and other community shareholders will come together June 5 in a virtual “Falmouth Forum on Opioids and Overdose” to discuss and educate the public about innovative approaches to help ameliorate the effects of this crisis and related policies.

Nas Campanhas pelo Voto Luso-americano, os Políticos Comem Muito Bacalhau. Entrevista a Miguel Moniz
Diário de Notícias (Lisbon)
Nascido no Massachusetts, o antropólogo Miguel Moniz é investigador do CRIA-ISCTE/IUL, em Lisboa, e da Brown University, em Providence, e nesta entrevista desmistifica a ideia de que todos os portugueses na América lá chegaram em barcos baleeiros ou que a comunidade tem estado pouco envolvida nas lutas políticas e sociais. Acredita também na força de umas relações EUA-Portugal baseadas nos princípios democráticos, respeito pelos direitos humanos e igualdade social....

Portuguese Drug Model to be Discussed at RI Expert Conference
Herald News / O Jornal (Fall River, MA)
Can Portugal's Success decriminalizing drug addiction help improve the opiod crisis in Rhode Island? That's a question a panel composed of several policy makers, healthcare, and legal experts will try to answer on March 12 at a unique conference to be held at the Amigos da Terceira in Pawtucket. Presented by the Cobre on Opioids and Overdose....
Entrevista com o Dr. Miguel Moniz, conversa com Irene Amaral.
Radio Interview on the COBRE on Opioids and Overdose "Portuguese Model" initiative
WJFD, 97.3 FM (New Bedford)
Miguel Moniz conversa com Irene de Amaral sobre a iniciativa que pretende alterar a forma como o estado lida com os toxicodependentes, o que já levou muitos portugueses a serem deportados.

Eula Mendes: The Life Behind a Legacy of Migrant Labor Activism & O Legado de uma Vida Dedicada ao Activismo Sindical
Herald News / O Jornal (Fall River, MA)
Dr. Miguel Moniz, a visiting professor at Brown University, looks at the life of Portuguese immigrant Eulalia “Eula” Mendes, who was 18 at the time of the 1928 New Bedford Textile Workers Strike, became a key figure in — and ultimately a martyr of — the fight for not only workers but also for migrant civic rights....
Portuguese, Azorean, Cape Verdean History Program
Enterprise (Falmouth / Cape Cod , MA)
The history of the Portuguese, Azorean and Cape Verdean migrant community of Falmouth is the focus of “From Field to Town” a program that includes site visits and discussions with scholars, researchers and residents exploring settlement and contemporary issues among waves of migrants and descendants from Portuguese-speaking regions to Falmouth....

The event was part of the conference “Migration and Mill Work: The Portuguese Communities in Industrial New England” that took place over several days and was a success in the eyes of its coordinator, Miguel Moniz, a Massachusetts native and research fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences in the University of Lisbon.
RTP Açores
Organized by Miguel Moniz..this multi-disciplinary conference provides an overview of migrant mill labor through extended discussions of the settlement and development of early Portuguese communities in New England. The conference will address the waves of migrant laborers in textile and manufacturing mills in Massachusetts and Rhode Island from the late nineteenth century onwards.

Diário de Notícias (Lisboa)
Conferência internacional reúne esta semana em Massachusetts, nos EUA, dezenas de especialistas e interessados em debater o trabalho fabril dos imigrantes portugueses...
Entrevista Conversas que Importam com Miguel Moniz (Irene Amaral).
WJFD, 97.3 FM (New Bedford)
Miguel Moniz conversa com Irene de Amaral sobre conferênica multi-site Migration and Mill Work. 3 Dezembro 2017. Falando sobre o programa único, o organizador da conferência Miguel Moniz disse "Para os participantes que atendem os quatro dias, é como tirar um seminário intensivo sobre imigração e trabalho fabril e este período inicial da história da imigração portuguesa."

The Portuguese immigrant experience in Southeastern Massachusetts will be the topic of a four-day international, multi-site traveling, academic conference titled ‘Migration and Mill Work: Portuguese Communities in Industrial New England’
A Atribuição da Categoria de Deportados aos Emigrantes Açorianos nos EUA—Entrevista com Miguel Moniz
Observatório da Emigração (Lisboa)
Miguel Moniz é doutorado em antropologia pela Universidade de Brown, EUA e tem formação anterior em literatura e antropologia. Como interesses de investigação tem-se dedicado à emigração e identidade racial dos portugueses nos EUA, rituais religiosos dos emigrantes açorianos, portugueses deportados, retorno dos emigrantes e transnacionalismo, entre outros.
O Público (Lisboa)
Moniz, teoriza sobre a integração. "Define-se 'integração bem sucedida' pela quantidade de dinheiro que um migrante consegue ganhar?...O sucesso na integração social é altamente variável", adverte. "O objectivo não é conseguir uma medida de realização, como se define na lógica cultural da América à qual chegaram, nem é reflectir as narrativas das realizações económicas e sociais dos migrantes, como são apresentadas em jornais e livros". O objectivo é construir o tipo de vida que desejam.
The Portuguese stuck together out of necessity in a sometimes unwelcoming America, maintaining and extending family and social ties

"The Cup and the selecao are massive draws with the migrant community," said Dr. Miguel Moniz, a Cape Cod raised professor at the Universidade de Lisboa Social Sciences Institute.
"Moniz sketched the legislative history... his conclusions were not reassuring in terms of Civil liberties, particularly for non-citizens.